Casa Estates Arvin Arvin 93203

801 Schipper St., #36

Arvin, CA 93203 • Kern
2 | 2 | 920
$386 Est. Monthly Mortgage View Total Payment Including Rent

1982 Canyon Crest Canyon Crest


This home has undergone an exterior remodel. Meaning, all new siding, and skirting along with paint, and new windows. The inside will need a little bit of love and time on your part, but the blank canvas is there to get you started.

Casa Estates Arvin
(661) 486-8250
"The trailer park manager is extremely helpful and always answers her calls when needed." - Shorty H. "Nice place, friendly helpful people, it is a pleasure to live there." - Melvin R. "I like the park because when I go my children feel very well." - Editrujillo T.
Estimate Total Payment
*input desired down payment amount and press enter
Estimate based on an interest rate (APR) of 12% to be confirmed on approved credit. Please contact us to confirm and learn more. Call Now and Speak to Our Team 877-408-0801
House Price$39,995 Down Payment$5,000 Loan Term20 Years Estimated Payment Monthly Mortgage$1036 Mortgage$386 Rent$650 Taxes/InsuranceTBD
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(661) 486-8250

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